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One Student’s Perspective on Food Science and Why it Matters

Photo: Courtesy of Jonathan Borba

Christine Rock

Student, Kansas State University

What made you choose your program?

I chose to study food science because a safe, nutritious and abundant food supply is essential for everyone. My program at Kansas State University equips students with the scientific and business skills necessary to take on the challenge of feeding the world. I want to be a part of that mission for the world’s most vulnerable populations.  

What aspirations do you have upon graduation?

My aspiration is to integrate food science and public policy. My ideal career leverages my education and passions to develop and advocate for policies that help lift people out of poverty through food and agricultural research, nutrition education and food and feeding programs.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

Choose a program that will develop your knowledge and skills in the direction of your passion. Food science students can explore and specialize to prepare for rewarding careers with a broad range of employers. I added a political science major and a global food systems secondary major to complement my food science studies and broaden my perspective. As I consider an advanced degree, I know Kansas State has flexible options through the global campus and master of agribusiness programs.

Who has been your biggest inspiration along your journey?

I have been most inspired by motivated, passionate and forward-thinking Kansas State students, faculty and staff focused on improving the global food system. This inspiration has been compounded by opportunities to develop on-campus food availability initiatives, conduct undergraduate nutrition policy and food safety research and experience leadership and professional development.

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