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Advancing Women in Clinical Research: Progress and Efforts to Encourage Participation

Two experts in the field discuss the importance of increasing female participation in clinical research to improve healthcare outcomes for all.

Neha J. Pagidipati, M.D., M.P.H.

Associate Professor of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine; Member, Duke Clinical Research Institute

Why is it important to encourage women to take part in clinical studies?

It used to be rare to see a woman carrying out clinical research, and even rarer to find one leading a large research program. This is changing to the benefit of clinical research and healthcare. 

The presence of women in clinical research has been increasing over the last decade. This increase in female representation among research leaders and participants adds to the voices in the room, influencing the way questions are asked and answered, and improving the generalizability of study results. Looking ahead, it will be incredibly important for younger generations of women to have role models within clinical research, and to actively engage female and diverse participants in general. Representation begets representation.

Christina Brennan, M.D., M.B.A., CCRC

Board Chair, Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP); SVP of Clinical Research, Northwell Health

Why is it important to encourage women to take part in clinical studies?

It’s hard to believe that the first mandate to include women in clinical research was in 1993, resulting in a knowledge gap that continues today. We need to include more women in clinical trials for two main reasons. First, there are biological differences between women and men — for example, in physiology, hormones, and organ and artery sizes. If trials do not include enough women, it is impossible to predict how the drug or device will work in the real world. Second, certain diseases affect women and men differently. One example is the fact that women experience heart attack symptoms differently, which can lead to misdiagnosis and delayed treatment. We need to understand these variations more fully to enable treatments and devices to be tailored as needed.

At Northwell Health, we are working to seek out more women for opportunities to be investigators in clinical studies. This brings diverse perspectives and insights to studies, including helping to address any gender bias in protocol design and execution. Having more female investigators can encourage more women to take part in clinical trials, as well as increase awareness among potential clinical researchers of this rewarding career path. Including more women in the clinical research enterprise will bring benefits to healthcare, for both the current and future generations.

Training opportunities for women interested in clinical research

The Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) has resources for women interested in joining the clinical research profession, as well as education and training programs for advancing their clinical research careers, including six certifications, 20 foundational trainings, and 100+ Continuing Education programs.

About ACRP
With more than 17,000 members, the Association of Clinical Research Professionals (ACRP) is the only non-profit dedicated to representing, supporting, and advocating for clinical research professionals. ACRP supports individuals and life science organizations globally by providing community, education, and credentialing programs. ACRP’s mission is to promote excellence in clinical research and whose vision is that clinical research is performed ethically, responsibly, and professionally everywhere in the world. Learn more at
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